The "radmap" application dynamically generates a PNG image based on a set of HTTP provided parameters. This page documents these parameters. Please note that the API presented here may change in the future.
Basic HTML example:
<img src="[]=nexrad§or=conus&ts=200806071000" />
HTTP GET Parameters
- airtemps - Realtime Only Plot 2 meter air temperatures in Fahrenheit.
- cbw - County/Zone based Watch/Warning/Advisories
- county_warnings - County based Warnings
- cwas - National Weather Service County Warning Area (CWA)
- goes - GOES Satellite imagery, you
also need to specify the sector and the product as two seperate
CGI variables. [2]
- goes_sector either EAST, WEST, HI (Hawaii), AK (Alaska), PR (Puerto Rico)
- goes_product VIS for visible, IR for infrared, and WV for water vapor
- interstates - Interstate Roadways
- legend - Include Legend on the Map
- lsrs - Local Storm Reports [1]
- nexrad - CONUS Nexrad Base Reflectivity Composite [2]
- places - 2010 Census Incorporated Places
- ridge - Single Site NEXRAD/TDWR imagery, you
also need to specify the RADAR site and level 3 product as two seperate
CGI variables. [2]
- ridge_radar 3 character radar identifier
- ridge_product 3 character levelIII product identifier
- roads - Iowa Winter Road Conditions
- sbw - Storm based Watch/Warning/Advisories
- surface - Realtime Only Plot dots for RWIS pavement temperatures. See IEM Freeze app.
- uscounties - CONUS Counties
- usdm - United States Drought Monitor (latest only)
- watch_by_county - Convective Watch-by-County
- watches - Polygon SPC Watch boundaries
[1] Storm reports are plotting valid at the given time (variable ts). To specify a time range, set ts1 and ts2 variable to the UTC start and end time respectively. For example, &ts1=200806071000&ts2=200806071015 to get LSRs between 10 and 1015z.
[2] Logic is applied to these layers to find the closest imagery to the specified time or the realtime imagery if no time (variable ts) is specified.
- conus - CONUS
- hun - Northern Alabama
- iem - Iowa
- ict - Wichita, Kansas
- lot - Chicago
- sd - South Dakota
- texas - Texas
- wfo - NWS Weather Forecast Office, if you use this, then you need to also set the variable sector_wfo=XXX , where XXX is the 3 char call letters
Example Python client script
Here is an example python script that will call this service and locally
generate a folder of images that can then be converted into a movie.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Generate series of images between 0z and 12z on the 3rd of August now = datetime(2008, 8, 3, 0, 0) ets = datetime(2008, 8, 3, 12, 0) interval = timedelta(minutes=5) baseuri = "" baseuri += "width=800&height=600&bbox=-95,42.5,-89,45.5" baseuri += "&layers[]=uscounties&layers[]=nexrad&layers[]=sbw" baseuri += "&layers[]=watch_by_county" # Change into a frames folder os.chdir("frames") stepi = 0 while (now < ets): url = "%s&ts=%s" % (baseuri, now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) cmd = "wget -q -O %05i.png '%s'" % (stepi, url ) os.system(cmd) stepi += 1 now += interval os.system("ffmpeg -y -i %05d.png -b 2000k out.mp4")
Change Log
- 10 Mar 2009: Initial release
- 18 Oct 2011: Cleanup and clarify LSRs.
- 14 Apr 2012: Another cleanup and add ridge and GOES imagery layers as available plotting options.
- 4 May 2012: Add incorporated places as a layer option.
- 22 May 2016: Clarified the Local Storm Reports timestamp options.